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How to stick to your study schedule? 7 Tips To Help Students Stay Productive with Planners


Do you have the habit of planning a study or work schedule to only find yourself neglecting and forgetting about it?

It is normal for new time schedule planners to run into this problem, as you are not used to revolving your life around a schedule or you could be planning it all wrong! 

Especially for students, it can be difficult to make a study plan and stick to it religiously as students tend to underestimate the time they need to complete their studies.  

In this article, Tutopiya will help our new time study planners to schedule an easy plan and learn to stick to it. 

Find our homemade printable study planners for our students here

7 useful tips to help you stay on track with your schedule

Just like any other habit, all these tips will help you when you stick to your schedule only if you consistently do them every day. 

As we all may know by now, it takes 3 weeks, or 21 days to form a habit. Thereafter, the habit becomes second nature to you.

So here are 7 tips to help you start your study schedule planning habit and some easy tips and tricks to help you stick to it for a long time. 

1 – Start small for your study schedule

person writing bucket list on book

If you are new to the study schedule planning community, it is always good to start small and pace yourself as your get into the groove of it. 

Starting small can mean anything from making a short/ essential daily to-do list to just checking your journal every day. Daily to-do lists are done preferably the night before or in the morning of the day. Our schedule should not be overwhelming and difficult, so start small! 

Here’s a customized Daily Planner for you!

2 – Get inspiration and motivation 

Bullet Journal Ideas for Students | Stationery Island - YouTube

Scheduling should not be a hassle or overwhelming you. If it is, your schedule plan is probably not the best fit for you. Scheduling and planning are supposed to help relieve stress and keep you on task and productive by giving you an overview of all the ACHIEVABLE things of the day. 

You can search for some motivation and inspiration from the Youtube journaling community. 

You should find the scheduling style that works for you. When you are most comfortable with your own study schedule, then that is when you will be able to get it to work. 

Here are some useful planning tools that you can explore too! 

  1. Notion 
  2. Google Task
  3. Google Calendar 

3 – Do not overestimate yourself 

Do you feel like you are always unable to complete your tasks or find that you are always trying your hardest to find time to complete your tasks? 

It could be because you have overscheduled your day. 

Read also: Tutopiya’s Guide On How to Increase Productivity in Students

When planning your study schedule, it is important that you do not overwhelm yourself. Such as cramming to study 2-3 subjects every day when you know you do not have that much time that day. You should not overdo your study plan or to-do list for the day. 

It is important to ensure that your study plan does not burn you out before you even get into the groove of things. 

Your study schedule should be realistic and achievable. 

For it to be realistic and achievable, you will have to understand your learning own learning habits and abilities. 

Here are some factors you should consider when you are planning your study schedule: 

  • How much time do you have that day? 
    • Do you have additional classes to attend? 
    • Do you have personal plans? 
  • How much are you able to actually complete that day? 
    • Is the homework/assignment going to take a long time? 
    • Do you have time to squeeze in another homework assignment to be completed on that day? 
    • Are there other personal things (outside of school) you have to get done? 

These are some factors that essentially alter your everyday schedule -meaning your study schedule need not be rigid. You should customize your schedule according to your everyday life (which is ever-changing). 

Hence, knowing your limits, abilities, and daily activities changes your daily schedule. 

4 – Instead of a timetable, try making a daily to-do list instead 

white and green braille paper

A timetable may restrict you and cause you to lose track of time easily and this is especially the case for students. We can’t put a strict time restriction when it comes to revising or solving a problem. 

Instead, change your timetable study schedule to a to-do list. 

Having a to-do list allows you to have more freedom and flexibility in controlling what needs to be done that day as compared to what needs to be done at that time of the day. 

5 – Keep your study schedule near you 

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table

Take your schedule on the go, and open your planner when you are working or studying. This is one simple yet very effective tip to help you create the habit of looking at your schedule. 

If you are using a physical planner, open up your planner and place it on the desk where you are working on. 

If you are using a digital planner like Notion, bookmark it on your browser, and be sure to always open it when you start studying or working on your laptop. 

Now every time you complete a task, you can refer back to your planner and schedule to cross out the things you have completed. 

You will get into the groove of it as time passes! 

6 – Enjoy the process

person writing on a book

Scheduling and planning should be fun, again, it should not make you feel overwhelmed, if it is, then perhaps scheduling might not be your cup of tea. 

In a nutshell, you should 

  • Find the best scheduling or planning style that works for you 
  • Keep your schedule around you everywhere you go 
  • Make only realistic and achievable plans in your schedule 

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