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Here Are Some Smart Questions To Ask At Your Next University Fair

Smart Questions To Ask At Your Next University Fair

University fairs are the one-stop shop for all university students. They are particularly important because they bring the university and its information to the student. Therefore, the students do not have to take the trouble of traveling to their preferred university to ask their questions. Most university fairs showcase several international and local universities, colleges, and affiliate colleges partnered with international institutions. Consequently, a student eagerly waits to attend the next university fair to ask important questions regarding their degree/programs, application requirements, accommodation, scholarships, and more.

Have you been to a university fair before?

Students and parents alike visit different every university fair and meet enthusiastic university officials.

Moreover, most students have a list of questions that they need clarification on.

Furthermore, they start to think of the questions after their high school diploma.

Students complete their IB diplomas or their GCE Advanced Level exams and then focus on University.

After their exams students have alot of free time to discuss with peers and parents about University.

Therefore, University fairs are an encouraging way to stimulate their thinking and motivate them.

University fairs bring together different university correspondents to engage the students.

Consequently, students feel relaxed that they get to talk to some one from the University.

Eventually, they then make their decisions on which university to attend based on the information they receive.

So, Have you made A list of questions that you want to ask?
not YET?
then, here are some smart questions tO ASK AT youR NEXT university fair

Given below are the main categories of questions that students can ask at the next University Fair and the important questions for each category.

what to ask at a university fair

Program/ Course and Entry Requirements That Need to be asked at the University Fair

1. What kind of programs does this University offer to cater to my field of interest?

2. What are the entry requirements to enter my preferred program?

3. How does this course differ from the other programs offered in my area of interest?

4. What are the employment opportunities after studying in this program?

5. What is the fee structure for this program?

6. How does the academic calendar look for this program/course?

7. What if I want to change my program midway through studying?

8. Does a Four year Honors program include a Masters’s Degree qualification as well?

what to ask at a university fair

Application and Visa Questions for International Universities

9. Are there any immigration/visa fees for the student visa or application?

10. What are the scholarships or financial aid possibilities for my program or course?


what to ask at a university fair

Accommodation or Residency and Accessibility Related Questions

11. Where is the student accommodation located at the University premises? And how far away is it from the campus?

12. How is the student accommodation organized?

13. Moreover, What are the living and accommodation costs and facilities for a student while studying at this International University?

14. Is the University accessible from the main transportation points like bus stops, train stations, and even the Airport?


what to ask at a university fair

Extra-Curricular and Recreational Activities Related Questions

15. Does this University have any clubs/ societies, extracurricular activities, or sports/recreational events?


what to ask at a university fair

Part-time work questions to be asked at the University Fair


16. Will I be allowed to work Part-time in or outside the University?

17. If I choose the Part-time study option how can I structure my program and course?


Qualification and certification validation questions can be asked at the University Fair as well


18. Will my Degree be accepted in my country? Or do I need to do research on that?

19. When will I receive my transcripts and graduation certificate?

20. Will my degree be certified by the Affiliate International University or from the local partner Institution?

If you or anyone you know are looking for any online 1-1 tuition do visit our relevant page 

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