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1 Parties 

These terms and conditions (the “Terms of Service”) are a binding agreement between   Tutopiya Pte Ltd., a limited liability company registered in Singapore with Unique Entity  Number 201813208R and have our registered office at 22 Changi Business Park Central  2, #02-08, Singapore 486032 (referred to as “us” “we” or “our”) and those utilising   our Services (as defined below) whether providing online tutoring (the “Tutor”) or  receiving the benefit of online tutoring (the “End User”) (collectively referred to as  “you” or (“your”) that set out our and your rights and obligations. 

2  Applicable Terms and Conditions 

Please read the Terms of Service carefully, as they apply to your access and use of our  services, including our various websites, mobile application, APIs, email notifications,  applications buttons and widgets (the “Services”), and any information, text, graphics,  photos or other materials uploaded, downloaded or appearing on the Services  

(collectively referred to as the “Content”). By using the Services, you agree to, at all  times, be in compliance with these Terms of Service, our Privacy Policy Statement and  any other terms, policies or legal notices published by us that relate to your use of the  Services, all of which will together govern your use of the Platform, including without  limitation, the Tutor Agreement, Student Policy Handbook, Refund Policy and Transfer  Policy.   

3 Changes of terms 

We may amend the Terms of Service from time to time at our sole discretion without  notice or liability to you and it is your responsibility to check periodically for changes.  By continuing to use the Services following such amendments to the Terms of Service,  you agree to be bound by such amendments. 

4 Changes to our services 

4.1 The Services that we provide are always evolving and the form and nature of the  Services that we provide may change from time to time without prior notice to you. In  addition, we may stop (permanently or temporarily) providing the Services (or any  features within the Services) to you or to users generally and not be able to provide you  with prior notice. We also retain the right to create limits on use and storage at our sole  discretion at any time and without prior notice to you. 

4.2 We make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or  implied, that our Services or any content on our site is accurate, complete, up-to-date or  free from errors or omissions. 

5 Accessing our services

5.1 Access to all Services and Content requires registration for an account with us (the  “Account”). 

5.2 Tutors can register for an Account by completing the sign-up form at  https://www.tutopiya.com/become-a-tutor/ and acceptance of any person as a Tutor is  at our absolute discretion and upon acceptance we will provide the Tutor will the login  credentials required to access the Tutor’s Account.  

5.3 End Users can create an account at https://app.tutopiya.com/#/signup.  

5.4 By creating an Account you are authorising us to carry out the instructions you have  given us through your Account.   

5.5 By creating an Account and using the Platform, either on your behalf of yourself or  on behalf of another, including your minor child, you represent and warrant that you  are at least 18 years or older and you are legally capable of entering into this legally  binding agreement, on behalf of yourself and each person you represent, including a  minor child of whom you are a parent or legal guardian. 

5.6 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and any  account registration or activities that occur under your Account. You must not disclose  your Account details or password to any third party. We have the right to disable your Account at any time, if in our reasonable opinion you have failed to comply with any of  the provisions of these Terms of Service. 

5.7 If you know or suspect that persons other than you have knowledge of your Account  details or password, you must promptly notify us at info@tutopiya.com. 

5.8 Additional terms, policies and legal notices may be communicated to you through  your Account and you are advised to ensure you are aware of and up to date on all such  information.  

5.9 You can benefit from our Services by following the instructions for utilising any of  the Services available through your Account. In relation to a Tutor, your use of the  Services will also be subject to the terms and conditions of the Tutor’s Agreement and in  relation to an End User, your use of the Services shall also be subject to compliance with  the terms and conditions in the Student Policy Handbook.  

5.10 We do not guarantee that our Services, or any content, will always be available  or be uninterrupted. Access to our Services is permitted on a temporary basis. We may  suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of our Services without notice.  We will not be liable to you if, for any reason, our Services are unavailable at any time or  for any period. 

5.11 You are responsible for making all arrangements necessary for you to have  access to our Services and for ensuring that you procure all equipment and materials  necessary to enable you to derive benefit from the Services, including any books,  stationary, textbooks etc. recommended by us. We are under no obligation to provide  any equipment or materials beyond what is explicitly offered as part and parcel or the 


5.12 You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our Services  through your internet connection are aware of these Terms of Service and other  applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them. 

5.13 You are responsible for cooperating with Tutopiya support team or authorised  personnel to perform non-technical or technical investigations to resolve issues  reported by you.  

5.14 It is mandatory to use our platform and mobile application to access any of our  Services at all times.  

5.15 Use of the Services requires one or more compatible devices, Internet access (fees  may apply), and certain software (fees may apply), and may require obtaining updates  or upgrades from time to time. Because use of the Services involves hardware, software,  and Internet access, your ability to access and use the Services may be affected by the  performance of these factors. High speed Internet access is recommended. You  acknowledge and agree that such system requirements, which may be changed from  time to time, are your responsibility.

5.16  In respect of your use of the Services all users shall:

(a) comply with all laws regulations and obligations applicable to your use of the Services and you may only use the Services for lawful purposes;

(b) be respectful and courteous towards other users; 

(c) bear sole responsibility for all content and communications transmitted or received by you on the Services; 

(d) ensure that all content and communications made by you via to the Services are accurate and complete;

(e) not stalk, threaten or otherwise harass any person, or carry any weapons;

(f) not use the Services in a way that infringes any third party’s rights;

(g) not discriminate against or harass anyone on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age or sexual orientation;

(h) not infringe our or any third party rights and image, notably intellectual property rights;

(i) not try to bypass the online booking system for tutoring sessions, notably by trying to send another user your contact details in order to make the booking outside of the Services and avoid paying the Package fees;

(j) not to contact another user, notably via the Services, for a purpose other than tutoring sessions;

(k) not accept or make payment outside of the Services; and

(l) do any act, engage in any practice or omit to do any act or engage in any practice that would bring us into disrepute to us or interferes with the integrity or supply of the Services to all users.

5.17 You understand and agree that you are using the Services and tutoring sessions at your own risk. Any decision by you to use Services and engage in tutoring sessions is solely in your discretion.  

6 Privacy and Data Security 

6.1 Our Privacy Policy Statement sets out the terms on which we process any personal  data we collect from you, or that you provide to us. By using our Services, you consent  to such processing and you warrant that all data provided by you is accurate. You  understand that through your use of the Services you consent to the collection and use  (as set forth in the Privacy Policy) of this information, including the transfer of this  information both within and outside of Singapore for storage, processing and use by us.  As part of providing the Services to you, we may need to provide you with certain  communications, such as newsletter, service announcements and administrative  messages. These communications are considered part of the Services and your  http://www.tutopiya.com account, which you may not be able to opt-out from  receiving. 


7 Your license to use the services 

 Tutopiya Pte Ltd gives you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non exclusive license to use the software that is provided to you by us as part of the Services.  This license is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the  Services as provided by Tutopiya Pte Ltd, in the manner permitted by these Terms of  Service.

8 Conduct of Tutoring Sessions 

8.1 Our role is limited to providing the Service, including arranging and administering  tutoring sessions.  

8.2 Tutoring sessions shall be conducted by a Tutor in compliance with the terms of the  Tutor Agreement entered into between us and the Tutor and any other codes of conduct  that may be applicable in order to ensure that all users be respectful and courteous towards other users and enable the proper functioning of the Services. 

8.3. End Users will conduct themselves during tutoring sessions in accordance with the  terms of the Student Policy Handbook and any other codes of conduct that may be  applicable.  

8.4 Tutors offer End Users a trial session to provide the opportunity of deciding whether  the tutoring relationship is likely to be effective.  

8.5 A trial session shall be for the duration of 0.5-1hour after which the End User can  elect to take further tuition sessions in the same subject and same level with the Tutor.  We shall dependent on the Tutor’s availability schedule such further tuition sessions  and shall, if required by the End User, ensure that a regular time slot acceptable to the  End User is kept available to accommodate that requirement. 

8.6 An End User may reschedule a booked tuition session without charge subject to a  minimum notice period of 2 hours prior to the scheduled lesson start time.   

8.7 Any booked tuition session cancelled less than 2 hours prior to the scheduled lesson  start time or which the End User does not attend shall incur full charges applicable to  that lesson.  

8.8 Any booked tuition session rescheduled less than 2 hours prior to the scheduled  lesson start time shall incur a charge of 50% charges applicable to that lesson. 

8.9 An End User is prohibited from making any private arrangement with a Tutor, in  respect of the provision of educational services. All communication & payments  between a Tutor and End User must only take place using our platform and mobile app.  

8.10  Should a dispute arise between a Tutor and an End User (student), we will endeavor to facilitate  a satisfactory solution of the issue in dispute, but cannot be held responsible for any such issue or for a failure to achieve a solution. 

8.11 In the event of a Tutor or End User requests to end the engagement and  relationship with the other due to the inability to continue working together we shall  use our best endeavours to find a solution to the issue in dispute, which may include  offering to find and allocate a different Tutor, subject to availability, but we shall not be  held liable for failing to find or allocate another Tutor. In the event that a suitable  replacement Tutor cannot be found, then we shall, at our discretion, offer the End User a  refund as per the Refund Policy.

8.12 We reserve the right to, at any time for any reason, change the Tutor assigned to an  End User   

  1. Billing and Refunds 

9.1 Details of tutoring sessions and other Services are available through your Account or  directly from us and prices for sessions and pricing packages shall be determined by us  from time to time and provided to you.  

9.2 An End User may not engage in a tutoring session without first scheduling such a  session and by making advance payment for packages relating to booked sessions.    

9.3 We shall invoice End Users in respect of packages relating to your bookings.    

9.4 Packages can be purchased by following the instructions for payment provided in an  End User’s Account or by direct bank transfer to our account in accordance with the  invoice provided to you. All payments shall be for the full value of the invoice and no  deductions from the invoiced amount shall be made to cover for bank charges, including  international transfer charges, or other fees levied in respect of any payment. In the  event we do not receive the full amount of the invoice such payment shall be deemed  incomplete and/or deficient. 

9.5 Validity periods for the purchased package will be applicable as follows:
(a)For monthly plans, the monthly committed hours will expire at the end of the same month. The package validity will be for the period purchased (3 months / 6 months or 1 year). In addition to this, the validity of the package will be extended to include the inbuilt breaks. (3 months + 30 days break / 6 months + 60 days break and 1 year + 90 days break)

(b)For flexible plans, over 60 hours the package will remain valid for up to one year from the date of purchase.

(c)For flexible plans under 60 hours the validity period will be 6 months from the date of purchase.    

9.6 Once the first month is completed, refunds are not permitted. Refund requests within the initial month must adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in the refund form. End Users may seek a refund for any valid, unused, and unallocated portion of their purchased package by submitting a refund request form through their Account. Breach of contract or terms and conditions renders end users ineligible for refunds. Refunds will be calculated based on the remaining value in the Account, minus charges imposed by payment gateways, banks, and internal processing fees incurred by us, with a 10% service charge on refunds. The assessment of refund eligibility may take up to one month from the submission of the refund request, and the processing of approved refunds will take an additional 10 days from the confirmation of the eligible amount. All refund processes shall adhere to our Refunds Policy.

9.7 We only permit the transfer of any remaining hours in any purchased package   between End Users who are siblings. Transfers of this sort shall be prorated in  accordance with the grade and rates applicable to the End Users between whom the  package is being transferred in accordance with our Transfer Policy.  

9.8 In the event that there is a disruption or inability to conduct a tutoring session due  to technical difficulties or connectivity issues experienced by the Tutor then no  deductions for such class shall be made from the End User’s purchased package. In the  event the End User is unable to attend the tutoring session due to technical difficulties  or connectivity issues experienced by the End User then the End User will still be  obligated to make payment for such tutoring session and deductions shall be made  accordingly from the purchased package.

9.9 The Learning Platform subscription can be cancelled at any time. However, please note that cancellations are not eligible for refunds.

9.10 Tutopiya will be responsible for all payment related matters, including chargebacks, refunds and disputes.

  1. Our Intellectual property rights 

10.1 All intellectual property rights subsisting in respect of the Services belong  to Tutopiya Pte Ltd or have been lawfully licensed to Tutopiya Pte Ltd for use in  connection with the Services. All rights under applicable laws are hereby reserved. You  are not allowed to upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way  any component of the Services themselves or create derivative works with respect  thereto, as the Services are protected the fullest extent available under applicable laws  as the property of Tutopiya Pte Ltd, including all applicable intellectual property laws. 

10.2 You agree that we are free to use, disclose, adopt and modify all and any ideas,  concepts, knowhow, proposals, suggestions, comments and other communications and  information provided by you to us (the “Feedback”) in connection with the Services  and/or your use of the Services without any payment to you. You hereby waive and  agree to waive all and any rights and claims for any consideration, fees, royalties,  charges and/or other payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or  modification of any or all of your Feedback. 

11 Your rights 

11.1 You retain your rights to any Content you submit, post or display on or through the  Services. By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you  grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense)  to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute  such Content in any and all media or distribution methods (now known or later  developed). 

11.2 You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and  improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services  available to other companies, organizations or individuals who partner with Tutopiya  Pte Ltd for the syndication, broadcast, distribution or publication of such Content on  other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. 

11.3 Such additional uses by Tutopiya Pte Ltd or other companies, organizations or  individuals who partner with Tutopiya Pte Ltd may be made with no compensation paid  to you with respect to the Content that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make  available through the Services. 

11.4 We may modify or adapt your Content in order to transmit, display or distribute it  over computer networks and in various media and/or make changes to your Content as  are necessary to conform and adapt that Content to any requirements or limitations of  any networks, devices, services or media. 

11.5 You are responsible for your use of the Services, for any Content you provide, and  for any consequences thereof, including the use of your Content by other users and our  third party partners. You understand that your Content may be syndicated, broadcast,  

distributed, or published by our partners and if you do not have the right to submit  Content for such use, it may subject you to liability. Tutopiya Pte Ltd will not be  responsible or liable for any use of your Content by Tutopiya Pte Ltd in accordance with 

these Terms of Service. You represent and warrant that you are the owner of the  Content you submit or have all the rights, power and authority necessary to grant the  rights granted herein to any Content that you submit. 

11.6 Please be aware that any information you choose to share via our communications  features with other users of the Services cannot be protected or controlled by us. There  is a potential for unlimited access and/or dissemination of such information, unlimited  

by time. As a result, we expressly prohibit posting or sharing any identifiable personal  information, with other users (including End Users and Tutors) via any communications  feature offered as part of the Services.  

12 Limited liability and warranty 

Please read this section carefully since it limits the liability of Tutopiya Pte Ltd and its  parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, related companies, officers, directors, employees,  agents, representatives, partners, and licensors (collectively, the “Entities of Tutopiya  Pte Ltd”). Each of the subsections below only applies up to the maximum extent  permitted under applicable law. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of  implied warranties or the limitation of liability in contracts, and as a result the contents  of this section may not apply to you. Nothing in this section excludes or limits our  liability for death or personal injury arising from our negligence or is intended to limit  any rights you may have which may not be lawfully limited. All Information is for your  general reference only. We do not accept any responsibility whatsoever in respect of  such information. 




12.4 The Entities of Tutopiya Pte Ltd shall not guarantee or assume any responsibility  that: 

(a) the information presented in our Services is accurate, adequate, current or reliable,  or may be used for any purpose other than for general reference; 

(b) the information presented in our Services is free of defect, error, omission, virus or 

anything which may change, erase, add to or damage your software, data or equipment; (c) messages sent through the internet including in connection with the services will be  free from interception, corruption, error, delay or loss; 

(d) access to the Services will be available or be uninterrupted; 

(e) use of the Services will achieve any particular result; or 

(f) defects in the Services will be corrected. 

12.5 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in no event will the Entities of  Tutopiya Pte Ltd be liable to you or any other person for any direct, indirect, incidental,  special, punitive or consequential loss or damages, including any loss of business, profit,  goodwill or reputation arising out of any use, or inability to use, the information or the  services, even if any of the Entities of Tutopiya Pte Ltd has been advised of the  possibility of such loss or damages. 

12.6 You will exercise and rely solely on your own skill and judgment in your use and  interpretation of the information and use of the services. You are responsible to ensure  that your use of the information and the Services complies with all applicable legal  requirements. 

12.7 Without prejudice to the foregoing, if your use of the Services does not proceed  satisfactorily and/or where applicable you do not receive appropriate responses to such  use from us, as set out in these Terms of Service or otherwise, you are advised to  contact us at info@tutopiya.com. No such lack of response shall be deemed to constitute  any acquiescence or waiver. 

12.8 The limitation of liability contained in these Terms of Service will apply to the  fullest extent permitted by applicable laws. 

13 Content on the services 

13.1 All Content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole  responsibility of the person who originated such Content. 

13.2 You warrant that any such contribution does comply with those standards, and you  will be liable to us and indemnify us for any breach of that warranty and you will be  responsible for any loss or damage we suffer as a result of your breach of warranty. 

13.3 Any content you upload to our site will be considered non-confidential and non proprietary, and we have the right to use, copy, distribute and disclose to third parties  any such content for any purpose. We also have the right to disclose your identity to any  third party who is claiming that any content posted or uploaded by you to our site  constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.  We will not be responsible, or liable to any third party, for the content or accuracy of  any content posted by you or any other user of our site. 

13.4 The views expressed by other users on our site do not represent our views or  values. We do maintain the right to remove any posting you make on our site if, in our  opinion, your post does not comply with our content standards. We do not endorse,  support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability 

of any Content or communications posted via the Services or endorse any opinions  expressed via the Services. You understand that by using the Services, you may be  exposed to Content that might be offensive, harmful, inaccurate or otherwise  inappropriate, or in some cases, postings that have been mislabelled or are otherwise  deceptive. 

13.5 Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for any Content, including, but  not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any  kind, incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the use of the Services by any third  party, including without limitation any defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of the  third party, or the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made  available via the Services or broadcast elsewhere. 

13.6 We may not monitor or control the Content posted via the Services and, we cannot  take responsibility for such Content. Any use or reliance on any Content or materials  posted via the Services or obtained by you through the Services is at your own risk. 

13.7 As part of the Content we use testimonials, examples, and photos of actual users  and their use of the Services and you approve that any testimonials provided by you  and/or any photos or videos you provide may be used in materials that speak to our  Services. 

14 Content copyright policy 

14.1 Tutopiya Pte Ltd respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects  users of the Services to do the same. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright  infringement that comply with applicable law and are properly provided to us. If you  

believe that your Content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright  infringement, please provide us with the following information: 

(i) a physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to  act on their behalf; 

(ii) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (iii) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of  infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and  information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; (iv) your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email  address; 

(v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the  manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;  and 

(vi) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and that you are  authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. 

14.2 We reserve the right to remove Content alleged to be infringing without prior  notice, at our sole discretion, and without liability to you. In appropriate circumstances,  we will also terminate a user’s account if the user is determined to be a repeat infringer.  Our address for notice of alleged copyright infringement appearing on the Services  is info@tutopiya.com.

15 Use of the services 

15.1 We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to remove or  refuse to distribute any Content on the Services , to suspend or terminate users, and to  reclaim usernames without liability to you. We also reserve the right to access, read,  preserve, and disclose any information as we reasonably believe is necessary to (i) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, (ii) enforce the Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations hereof, (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, (iv) respond to user support requests, or 

(v) protect the rights, property or safety of Tutopiya Pte Ltd its users and the public. 

15.2 We do not guarantee that our Services will be secure or free from bugs or viruses.  You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer  programmes and platform in order to access our site. You should use your own virus  protection software. 

15.3 You may not do any of the following while accessing or using the Services: (i) access, tamper with, or use non-public areas of the Services, Tutopiya Pte Ltd ’s  computer systems, or the technical delivery systems of Tutopiya Pte Ltd ’s providers; (ii) probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or  circumvent any security or authentication measures; 

(iii) access or search or attempt to access or search the Services by any means  (automated or otherwise) other than through our currently available, published  interfaces that are provided by us (and only pursuant to those terms and conditions),  (scraping the Services without our prior consent is expressly prohibited); (iv) forge any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any email  or posting, or in any way use the Services to send altered, deceptive or false source  identifying information; or 

(v) interfere with, or disrupt, (or attempt to do so), the access of any user, host or  network, including, without limitation, sending a virus, trojan, worm, logic bomb or  other material which is malicious or technologically harmful, overloading, flooding,  spamming, mail-bombing the Services, or by scripting the creation of Content in such a  manner as to interfere with or create an undue burden on the Services. 

15.4 We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we  will cooperate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of  such a breach, your right to use our Services will cease immediately. 

16 Linking to us 

You may link to our Services provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does  not damage our reputation or take advantage of it. You must not establish a link in such  a way as to suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on our part where  none exists. You must not establish a link to our Services in any website that is not  owned by you. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

17 Third party links and resources in our site 

17.1 The links from the Services may take you to other sites or services and you  acknowledge and agree that Tutopiya Pte Ltd has no responsibility for the accuracy or  availability of any Information provided by third parties services and websites. 

17.2 The Services may include advertisements, which may be targeted to the Content or  information on the Services, queries made through the Services, or other information.  The types and extent of advertising by Tutopiya Pte Ltd on the Services are subject to  change. In consideration for us granting you access to and use of the Services, you agree  that Tutopiya Pte Ltd and its third party providers and partners may place such  advertising on the Services or in connection with the display of Content or information  from the Services whether submitted by you or others. 

17.3 Links to other websites and services do not constitute an endorsement by us of  such websites or services, or the Information, products, advertising or other materials  available made available by such third parties. 

18 Indemnity 

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all liabilities,  damages, claims, actions, costs and expenses (including without limitation legal fees), in  connection with or arising from your breach of any of these Terms of Service and/or  your use of the website. We may, if necessary, participate in the defense of any claim or  action and any negotiations for settlement. No settlement which may adversely affect  our rights or obligations shall be made without our prior written approval. We reserve  the right, at our own expense and on notice to you, to assume exclusive defense and  control of any claim or action. 

19 Severance 

The illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Terms of Service  under the law of any jurisdiction shall not affect its legality, validity or enforceability  under the laws of any other jurisdiction nor the legality, validity or enforceability of any  other provision. 

20 Several users 

If there are two or more persons adhering to these Terms of Service as users, their  liability under the Terms of Service is joint and several, and their rights are joint. 

21 Waiver 

No failure or delay by a party to exercise any right or remedy provided under this  agreement or by law shall constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy, nor  shall it prevent or restrict the further exercise of that or any other right or remedy. No  single or partial exercise of such right or remedy shall prevent or restrict the further  exercise of that or any other right or remedy.

22 Termination 

22.1 The Terms of Service will continue to apply until terminated by either you or us as  follows. 

22.2 You may end your agreement with us at any time for any reason by discontinuing  your use of the Services. You do not need to specifically inform us when you stop using  the Services. 

22.3 We may suspend or terminate your accounts or cease providing you with all or  part of the Services at any time for any reason, including, but not limited to, if we  reasonably believe: 

(i) you have violated these Terms of Service or 

(ii) you create risk or possible legal 

exposure for us; or 

(iii) our provision of the Services to you is no longer commercially viable. We will make  reasonable efforts to notify you by the email address associated with your account or  the next time you attempt to access your account. 

22.4 In all such cases, any provision of these Terms of Service that expressly or by  implication is intended to come into or continue in force on or after termination of this  agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 

22.5 Nothing in this section shall affect our rights to change, limit or stop the provision  of the Services without prior notice, as provided above in section 5. 

23 Governing law and jurisdiction 

23.1 These Terms of Service shall be governed by Singapore law. You agree that the  Singapore courts (subject to section 23.2) have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any  dispute which may arise out of, under or in connection with these Terms of Service or  the legal relationship established by them.  

23.2 For the exclusive benefit of Tutopiya Ptd Ltd, we shall also retain the right to bring  proceedings in the courts of the country of your residence.  

24 Languages 

This agreement is drafted in the English language. If this agreement is translated into  any other language, the English language version shall prevail.

25 Discounts

(i) Group class discount is only applicable on the purchase of more than 1 subject.
(ii) One-to-one tuition discount is applicable on the purchase of 30 hours or more.

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